How Do We Live a Great Life Story?
What does it mean to live a greater story? Well, this is a question that I’ve pondered and often thought about long before I had a blog or even knew what a blog was.
I’ve always been excited by the idea of living an amazing life.
A life where you could die at any moment and still be really proud of the life that you had lived. A life where adventure and heart-pounding moments were a daily occurrence.
However, putting that into practice can often be more difficult than simply discussing how wonderful it would be.
And at the end of the day, I think that it most often comes down to how we live out everyday moments…
Living out everyday moments.
The hundreds of decisions that we make as we live out each day.
The decisions to really press in even when we’re really tired and would rather just sit in front of the tv for a few hours.
The decisions to spend a few minutes journaling or reading each day so that we have the opportunity to learn something new or record fleeting moments.
The decisions to try something new when it would be much simpler to just do things the way that they’ve always been done.
I used to really struggle with envy. I would see Facebook statuses from tropical locations…or exciting jobs…or wonderful friends…and I’d want to live that story myself.
Just because you’re not living out the same story as someone else doesn’t make your own story any less meaningful or beautiful.
We are each born with unique gifts, capabilities, and desires and the best way to honor ourselves and God is to fully live out our own unique story!
We each have the power to write our story exactly how we want to.
So, my question to you (and to myself) is this… What could you do differently this week to really start living out the the type of life that you want to live?
What does it mean to you to live a great life story? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to know.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Much love,