This is a sponsored blog post by Capital One Shopping but all opinions are my own.
Watch Netflix and Still Feel Productive
What do you do when you love watching TV but hate going to bed feeling like you did absolutely nothing? Well, one of the best things about Netflix is that it’s a somewhat passive activity. This means that you can often combine it with a second somewhat passive chore or activity.
Here are 5 Activities that I Do While Watching Netflix:
1. Cooking Dinner
I don’t really enjoy cooking, so this is a great option for me. I love having a show going on my iPad while I’m cooking. For this it’s better to choose lighthearted shows, or series where you don’t need to catch every single detail. Or, maybe even put on one of your favorite movies that you know by heart.
I love doing this because it makes my cooking time go by so much faster.
2. Folding Laundry
Most people don’t love folding laundry, but it still needs to get done. I usually put on a 30-minute episode and pause after the first load is folded and put away. Then, I start it again when I’m ready to fold the second or third load. By the time I’m finished with all of the laundry, I’ve been able to watch at least 1 thirty minute episode.
I also make sure to turn the sound up so that I can still hear it while I’m running around the bedroom and closet putting everything away.
3. In Between Meetings or Errands
Without realizing it, we often have little pockets of time throughout the day where we are waiting for 5-20 minutes in between meetings or waiting in line at the Starbucks drive thru. These minutes seem to drag by and the go to in today’s world is to rush to social media.
However, if you use these pockets of time for catching up on your shows, you can save more of your precious evening or weekend hours for other activities.
4. Scheduling or Checking Social Media
Since I have a blog, I tend to use Pinterest a lot for my own blog posts, and also finding other blogs or information. This can often feel like wasted time. However, I’ve recently started combining this activity with listening to a series and it’s been great.
By doing this, I still can stay up to date on my latest shows, and then afterwards, I have time to read and relax before bed.
5. Cleaning
Whether it’s wiping down the counters in the kitchen or bathroom, making the bed, putting away the dishes, or just tidying up, listening to a show can make these boring activities go so much faster.
For these I tend to choose shows where I already know the characters and can just listen rather than watch. Then, I typically put my headphones in, and put my phone in my pocket and then my phone can follow along with me as I move from task to task.
In Summary:
This has been such a game changer for me! Before doing this, I would get to the end of the day and would feel like I DESERVED to watch my shows. And while I do enjoy watching them, I would find myself struggling to do the more important things like, showering, doing yoga, going for a walk, reading a book, or working on a course or class.
Bonus Tip:
Also, if most of your shows are an hour, another tip is to watch half of the show during your lunch break or while doing one of the above activities. Then, in the evening you can watch the last 30 minutes. This way, you still have plenty of time for other important things.
Watch Netflix and Still Feel Productive
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